1:1 Training Sessions

After ten years of teaching training classes, Gemini Pets now specialise in 1:1 training sessions for local owners and their dogs. Whilst classes are great for training dogs around distractions and learning social skills, 1:1 sessions are a fantastic opportunity to focus on specific issues owners may be experiencing. 

These sessions are either held at the owner's own home or out on a walk (or a combination of both). This allows owners and dogs to feel more comfortable and also allows us to see how the dog reacts in their own enviroment.

Many training issues occur within the home so seeing the layout and learning more about the dog's family and routine can help us to advise on management techniques and practical training. Likewise, if the owner is having problems whilst on a walk, we can work outdoors. 

Our training techniques are based on the most recent scientific research into animal behaviour and we only use positive, reward-based methods. This makes communication between dog and owner more straight-forward and increases the bond, creating a stronger long term relationship with respect and understanding. 

Some of the most common issues we can help with are:

  • Pulling on lead
  • Jumping up
  • Lack of recall
  • Calming techniques for over-excitable dogs
  • Improving focus
  • Excessive barking
  • Car travel issues

With over a decade of experience, we can help with a variety of issues so please get in touch if you need some help with your dog. 

Price per session:
1 hour- £48.00
30 minutes- £25.00
Please note: all initial sessions are 1 hour and mileage charges applies to all bookings. You may be asked to have your dog vetted before an appointment to rule out any physical or medical reasons for the behaviour change.