Behavioural Consultations

Behavioural consultations are 1:1 sessions in your own home which delve deeply into any behavioural issues you may be experiencing. Dog behaviour can be surprisingly complex and we look into your dog's history, breed, age and character. We also take into consideration all external and internal factors and how these may be affecting the dog's behaviour. 

Full behavioural consults are far more detailed than a standard 1:1 training session and often include a lot of discussion as well as looking at management techniques and practical training skills. A consult usually lasts between 1.5-2.5 hours. Your individual behaviour modification plan will be written after the session and sent to you via email within seven working days. 

Some of the most common reasons people book a behavioral consultation are:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Reactivity (to dogs or people)
  • Aggression (to dogs or people)
  • Anxiety or stress related issues
  • Resource guarding
  • Age-related issues such as CCD (Canine Cognitive Dysfunction)
  • Noise/ environmental phobias
  • Compulsive disorders

Our training techniques are based on the most recent scientific research into animal behaviour and we only use positive, reward-based methods. This makes communication between dog and owner more straight-forward and increases the bond, creating a stronger long term relationship with respect and understanding.

With over a decade of experience, we can help with a variety of issues so please get in touch if you need some help with your dog. 

Price per session:
Full behavioural consultation- £199.00 (includes consultation session, assessment, behaviour report and individual behaviour modification plan with training schedule included if required)
Follow up sessions- 30 minutes- £25.00
Please note: mileage charges applies to all bookings. You may be asked to have your dog vetted before an appointment to rule out any physical or medical reasons for the behaviour change. You will also be required to fill out a detailed questionnaire before your appointment.